Service & Installation
Roof Top Support
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Roof Flashings
1-1/4-1-1/2" Nocalk Galv Solar
Roof Flashing
- Made of rust-proof, stamped 28 guage galvanized steel
- Non-fading, Self-sealing collar slides over pipe and requires no caulking
- Metal base for pitch from 0-40° or up to 10/12 roof
- Do not use petroleum based products or paint on flashing collar. Not for hot-mopped or built-up roofs
- Rated 180°F continuous heat and approved for Type B installations
Roof Flashings
2" No calk Galv Solar
Roof Flashing
- Made of rust-proof, stamped 28 guage galvanized steel
- Non-fading, Self-sealing collar slides over pipe and requires no caulking
- Metal base for pitch from 0-40° or up to 10/12 roof
- Do not use petroleum based products or paint on flashing collar. Not for hot-mopped or built-up roofs
- Rated 180°F continuous heat and approved for Type B installations
Roof Flashings
3" No calk Galv Solar
Roof Flashing
- Made of rust-proof, stamped 28 guage galvanized steel
- Non-fading, Self-sealing collar slides over pipe and requires no caulking
- Metal base for pitch from 0-40° or up to 10/12 roof
- Do not use petroleum based products or paint on flashing collar. Not for hot-mopped or built-up roofs
- Rated 180°F continuous heat and approved for Type B installations
Roof Flashings
1/2" 3/4" 1" Nocalk Galv Solar
Roof Flashing
- Made of rust-proof, stamped 28 gauge galvanized steel
- Non-fading, Self-sealing collar slides over pipe and requires no caulking
- Metal base for pitch from 0-40° or up to 10/12 roof
- Do not use petroleum based products or paint on flashing collar. Not for hot-mopped or built-up roofs
- Rated 180°F continuous heat and approved for Type B installations
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